![SHARE Logo][1]
### **note:** These are the Development notes for SHARE v1.
#### [Click here for detais on the latest version of SHARE](http://share-research.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
SHARE is creating a free, open dataset of research (meta)data.
#### SHARE is composed of 3 major parts:
- [scrAPI](/wur56/wiki/scrAPI) - a data processing pipeline
- [The OSF](/wur56/wiki/OSF) - a frontend for the processed data produced by scrAPI
- [A schema](/wur56/wiki/schema) - The defined format that we use to describe metadata throughout every component of SHARE.
Check out the [Overview Wiki Page](https://osf.io/wur56/wiki/Overview/) for more details about APIs, analysis tools, and related projects.
For support, questions, or comments, please email us at [share-support@osf.io](mailto:share-support@osf.io)
[1]: http://www.arl.org/storage/images/share-logo-140x105.png