This is the analysis pipeline to extract activity from GENEactiv devices, apply the Sadeh algorithm and all our proposed adjustments. Potentially data from other devices can be used, but some effort might need to be put into getting the data into a format that works. At the moment, a diary is also required.
You can see two folders
1) How the scripts looked like for the article Schoch et al., 2019.
2) How the scripts looked like for the article Schoch et al., 2020.
Most changes are cosmetic, I wrote a master script to run all the other scripts, I changed how the data is accessed, some more comments etc are added. There is additionally a change to how the threshold level between the 2 version.
Additionally scripts/functions that might be needed to run the code:
1) ZeroOnesCount and CountOnes2 (
2) TightFig (
3) Kappa (
4) Find sequences (