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Affiliated institutions: University of Oxford

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Preventable Deaths Tracker

We conduct research, teach, and communicate on preventable deaths to reduce avoidable harms.

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Alcohol-based hand sanitizers - a warning to prevent deaths

This project holds the Prevent Future Deaths (PFD) reports and associated documents for the article published in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine titled Al...

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Preventable deaths involving cardiovascular disease and anticoagulants in England and Wales

This repository holds the study protocol, materials, data, code and results from a case series of coroners' Prevention of Future Deaths reports (PFDs)...

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Preventable cyclists deaths in England and Wales

Richards & Odgers
This page holds the data used for an analysis of deaths involving cyclists in England and Wales.

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PFDs involving medicine-related suicides in England and Wales before the covid-19 pandemic, 2013-2019

This repository holds the study protocol, materials, data, code and results of an observational study that analysed Prevention of Future Deaths report...

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