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Preventable deaths involving medicines & misused drugs in England & Wales 2013-2021
Affiliated institutions:
University of Oxford
Date created: | Last Updated:
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Category: Project
Preventable Deaths Tracker
We conduct research, teach, and communicate on preventable deaths to reduce avoidable harms.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers - a warning to prevent deaths
This project holds the Prevent Future Deaths (PFD) reports and associated documents for the article published in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine titled Al...
Preventable deaths involving cardiovascular disease and anticoagulants in England and Wales
This repository holds the study protocol, materials, data, code and results from a case series of coroners' Prevention of Future Deaths reports (PFDs)...
Preventable cyclists deaths in England and Wales
This page holds the data used for an analysis of deaths involving cyclists in England and Wales.
PFDs involving medicine-related suicides in England and Wales before the covid-19 pandemic, 2013-2019
This repository holds the study protocol, materials, data, code and results of an observational study that analysed Prevention of Future Deaths report...
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