'**local_NCP_all_targets**' is the file used to make Fig. 1. It contains all targets for the national level optimizations for the 12 local NCP (listed in description above). The optimizations were conducted at a country level across land and eez area simultaneously, but the layers were stitched together globally and subsequently split into 'land' and 'eez' layers for visualization purposes. Values of 20 correspond to the highest value areas (required in all solutions, including the 5% target) while values of 1 correspond to the lowest value areas (required for reaching the 100% target only). Critical natural assets are defined at the 90% target, so therefore values >2 are mapped as 'critical'.
'**global_NCP_all_targets**' is the file used to make Extended Data Fig. 4. All targets for the global optimizations of the 2 global NCP (carbon storage and moisture recycling). Values are the same as above, with critical natural assets pertaining to values >2.
'**local_global_overlaps**' is the file used to make Fig. 3. It contains the 90% targets from the previous two files, spatially intersected to form a combined solution for global and local critical natural assets. Values of 1 show areas selected by the optimization for local NCP but not global NCP; values of 2 show areas selected for global NCP but not local NCP; values of 3 show areas selected for both.