This project contains de-identified data files for an exploratory study examining glycocalyx degradation in women with uncomplicated pregnancies, early onset preeclampsia, late onset preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. Measurements were performed in the third trimester.
A reliability study was also performed, in which a small group of pregnant women completed non-invasive measurements of sublingual glycocalyx degradation on two consecutive days (approximately 24 hours apart). Three trials were performed on each day.
Three data files are attached. Each file contains data on the first sheet and a data dictionary on the second sheet.
**Main Study:** The file "Glcocheck_Database_OSF_20181206.xlsx" contains data for the main study comparing women with different pregnancy outcomes (uncomplicated, early onset preeclampsia, late onset preeclampsia, gestational diabetes).
**Reliability Study:** There are two files for the reliability study.
The first file contains data for all three trials on each day ("Preg_Reliability_Database_OSF_All_trials_20181109.xlsx"). There are two rows for each participant (one row for each day).
The second file contains participant characteristics and the average of the three trials for day 1 and day 2 ("Preg_Reliability_Database_D1D2Avg_OSF_20181109.xls").