The DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group is pleased to share “Collecting User Experiences, Needs, and Desires for Accessing Born-Digital Archival Collections: Survey Analysis.” This document provides a summary of research conducted in 2018-2019 by the Access Practices and Outreach subgroup of the Digital Library Federation’s Born-Digital Access Working Group. The summary document is accompanied by the survey’s dataset. The goal of the subgroup’s research project was to measure user perceptions of and experience with accessing born-digital archival material in order to glean improvements in existing access workflows and provide insight into new workflows.
Authors and contributors: Alison Clemens (Yale University), Seth Anderson (Yale University), Janet Bunde (New York University), Danielle Butler (Arkansas State Library), Alexandra Chassanoff (North Carolina Central University), Jessica Farrell (Educopia Institute), [Matthew] Farrell (Duke University), Alissa Helms (Kenessaw State University), Paige Walker (Boston College), and Jennifer Weintraub (Harvard University).