Welcome to the OSF home of the Spring 2022 section of PA650: Research in Psychology and Education! Herein, you will find copies of the course syllabus, PDF copies of books and book chapters, the homework assignments, and other supporting materials.
Here's an excerpt of the course objectives from the syllabus:
## Official Course Description
This course discusses major *research methods* used in psychology and education. Students who complete this course will have a basic background in *quantitative* and qualitative research methods, including experimental and quasi-experimental group designs; survey tools; and ethnographic and case study research. The course will teach students the rationale for each type of research, how to read and understand both quantitative and qualitative research, and how to select a particular type of research methodology to address research questions.
## Course Objectives
Previous iterations of this course were heavily applied in that research methods were explored with article reviews. Based on communications with the department chair, I have overhauled the course. We will still introduce a variety of clinical research methods, such as randomized controlled trials, quasi-experiments, and single-case designs. However, we will also spend a substantial portion of our time learning how to analyze the data from these designs with inferential statistics. Along the way, we will also learn about specialty statistical topics, such as simulation-based power analyses. Though it is not formally a prerequisite, this course is an applied extension of the material from my section of PA562 (Statistical Analysis; https://osf.io/3g8vf/).