You can find files used for the current version of Race IAT on the PI France site.
For the IAT task,
- Good (Bon) words are: "Heureux", "Merveilleux", "Amour", "Plaisir", "Paix", "Joie", "Magnifique", "Rires";
- Bad (Mauvais) words are: "Blessure", "Douleur", "Mal", "Méchant", "Épouvantable", "Horrible", "Échec", "Affreux";
- White people (Personnes Blanches) stimuli are: "wm1_nc.jpg", "wm4_nc.jpg", "wm6_nc.jpg", "wf2_nc.jpg", "wf3_nc.jpg", "wf6_nc.jpg";
- Black people (Personnes Noires) stimuli are: "bm14_nc.jpg", "bm23_nc.jpg", "bm56_nc.jpg", "bf14_nc.jpg", "bf23_nc.jpg", "bf56_nc.jpg";
The explicit questionnaire used the following sets of questions:
Right-Wing Authoritarianism
Social Dominance Orientation
The experiment procedure has been changed over years. You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.