## Project components:
### Preregistration documents
The original planned experiments and motivation can be found in https://osf.io/tp67s/
### Experiment and stimuli
The Opensesame file (osexp) to run the EEG experiment and the go-no-go task, full stimuli, and practice stimuli. In addition, notes.R indicates the original numbering of the participants, and the ones that were added at the later stage. (The first 89 participants were run with an error in the randomization that prevented the 4th list to appear, the complete dataset -120 participants- is roughly counterbalanced so that the 4 lists are shown in similar proportions). This is here: https://osf.io/gw6df/
### Cloze tasks:
Items presented in the cloze tasks, results, and processed output with scripts is here: https://osf.io/rmh2s/. A detailed description can be found in its wiki: https://osf.io/rmh2s/wiki/home/
### EEG data:
The whole preprocessing of the EEG data and cloze task to create a dataframe with one DV per trial is in https://osf.io/ut7xq/. A detailed description can be found in the wiki: https://osf.io/ut7xq/wiki/home/
## Rmarkdown paper
The rmarkdown files (papaja) to generate the paper (https://osf.io/35qtu/).
## Summary of the analyses and models
rmarkdown documents showing the models used in the paper.