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To request the data, go to this Google Form: We have a data use policy in which you must request to use the data and state how you will use it. This will give us a better way to keep track of who has the data and how it is being used and to also avoid the data being used by different research groups to ask the same questions. Please read the data use policy below for the details. DATA USE POLICY We intend to have the long-term bee phenology data available for others for research or teaching purposes with written consent, given the conditions outlined below. Upon completing and submitting this form and communicating with Rebecca Irwin, you will be given access to the data. If you would like to use the data, these are the conditions: 1. Fill out this form, which will be sent to Rebecca (Becky) Irwin. We will respond as soon as we can (within one week or less). 2. The data may only be used for the purposes you list in this form. Contact Becky again if (a) your intended use changes, (b) you would like to use the data for additional purposes, or (c) if you are using the data more than a year after you originally requested them. 3. Please do not share the data with others, except with specified collaborators for the questions you list in this form. Other individuals should contact Becky with their own request. 4. The description of how you will use the data will be added to a central document that describes who is using the data and how they are using them. This document will be made available to all people using the dataset. This is to keep track of everyone using the dataset, and to encourage openness among the group. We want to ensure that there are no potential overlaps in the types of questions being addressed and also to facilitate collaboration. 5. Becky and her lab have invested a lot of time and effort into collecting these data and identifying specimens. How she is acknowledged (i.e., co-authorship or acknowledgement within manuscripts) will be discussed and determined for individual projects, depending on her degree of involvement in the work. Becky and other co-PIs on the NSF grant (David Inouye, Brian Inouye, Nora Underwood, billy barr [weather data]) are open to collaborating on projects.
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