The data and stimuli can be found in the "Files" box below. Click on a folder's name to be given the option to download it, or click on the "+" next to a folder's name to view its contents. Click on a file's name to be given the option to view or download it. See below for explanations of the contents of each folder. **[Click here to explore the data interactively][1]**
The folder **Rocks Library** contains the image files for the 360 rock stimuli.
The folder **Dimension Ratings Data** contains the individual-subject and averaged-data files from the dimension-ratings and color-matching experiments.
The folder **Rocks-30 Similarity Judgment Study** contains the individual-subject and averaged-data files from the Rocks-30 Similarity Judgment study.
The folder **Rocks-360 Similarity Judgment Study** contains the individual-subject and averaged-data files from the Rocks-360 Similarity Judgment study.
The folder **Multidimensional Scaling Analyses** contains interactive multidimensional scaling solutions for the rocks derived from the similarity-ratings and dimension-ratings experiments. It also provides the tabled coordinate parameters from the maximum-likelihood rotated solutions reported in the article.
The folder **Nonvisual Properties** contains an EXCEL file that lists nonvisual properties of the rocks that are diagnostic for rock identification.
Each folder includes “readme” files that explain the detailed formatting of the files in the individual folder.