In this component the raw data of all 29 participants is available.
It is organized in three main folders (Pilot Data, Experiment 5, Experiment 6).
The **Pilot Data** folder contains the data of 20 participants, organized according to the experiment in which they took part.
**Experiment 5** folder contains the data of 5 participants who took part in the experiment testing whether serial dependence is present in visual perception of hue.
**Experiment 6** folder contains the data of 4 participants who took part in the experiment testing whether serial dependence is present in visual perception of luminosity.
**Raw data** folders contain a variable number of files between participants. This is due to the fact the PsychoPy2 saved a different number of files depending on which test computer the experiment was executed. However, there is always a .csv file which contains the full data for each participant and was used for the analysis.