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This project contains supplementary materials, R code, and data for behavioral and ERP experiments for the study "Behavioral and neural responses to tone errors in foreign-accented Mandarin", published in the journal *Language Learning*. The study was originally nicknamed "Typhoon", so you will see that name in some of the files. The following is a breakdown of the available files. *Supplementary materials* - Supplementary_materials_Appendix_S1_to_S4.pdf *contains* - Appendix S1: Additional details for stimuli design and creation - Appendix S2: Waveforms for all critical electrodes - Appendix S3: Full mixed-effects model output - Appendix S4: Additional analyses - Typhoon_stimuli_list_and_info (.xlxs and .txt: a list of all sentence stimuli, critical words, critical tones, frequency and cloze % of expected words) *R code* - Typhoon_sentence_judgment_analyses (code for behavioral analyses) - Typhoon_ERP_analyses (code for ERP analyses) - Typhoon_RMANOVA_analyses (code for RM-ANOVA ERP analyses) *Behavioral data:* - logs_Typhoon_n34.csv *ERP data* - (posterior N400) - n4.mean.ant.csv (anterior N400) - (posterior LPC) *R data objects (to avoid need to re-run large models)* - SJT_max2.RData (behavioral model) - SJT_max2_merMod.RData (behavioral model for plotting) - n4_ant_fix_merMod.RData (anterior N400 model for plotting) - n4_ant_fix.RData (anterior N400 model) - n4_post_fix_merMod.RData (posterior N400 model for plotting) - n4_post_fix.RData (posterior N400 model) - p6_post_fix_merMod.RData (LPC model for plotting) - p6_post_fix.RData (LPC model) *audio stimuli* - All of the audio files (.wav) for our stimuli. The labels indicate sentence number (001-240: this corresponds to numbers provided in the 'Typhoon_stimuli_list_and_info" .xlxs and .txt files), the speaker (1 = L1, 2 = L2), and the critical word condition (c = correct/expected word; r = rhyme mismatch; t = tone mismatch; s = semantic/word mismatch). '73dB' indicates the average intensity of the sentence after normalization in Praat (same for all items). So, for example, "002_2c_73dB.wav" is sentence 2, produced by the L2 speaker with the correct/expected critical word. The files with an 'E' prefix were used for practice.
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