In visual memory experiments, we often ask people to memorize large numbers of very different photographs. On the other hand, the everyday visual input is correlated in time and space. By “correlated”, we mean that the view we are seeing at the moment is similar to our other recent/neighbouring views. It is likely people take advantage of the correlation and pay attention accordingly.
We created a stimulus set **Correlated Photographs – Camera Edition** to provide researchers with materials depicting similar, but different scenes from a city walk.
The set contains two basic forms of correlated materials:
1) **panorama** - set of photographs, taken from the same point
2) **track** - set of photographs, taken along the straight line
The set contains 128 panoramas and 128 tracks with approx. 12 photographs in each group. The photographs are resized to a fixed height (2000 px).
The dataset was created with the support of Czech Science Foundation (GA16-07983S). For alternative dataset of correlated photographs, see [Streetview Edition][1].
# Examples
## Panorama
![Sample panorama][2]
## Track
![Sample track][3]