[🎓 Methods](https://osf.io/qdmu6/wiki/Methods/)
[🙏 Acknowledgements (in Russian)](https://osf.io/qdmu6/wiki/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/)
This was an OSF project component intended for publication of my **draft** Russian translation of the [PRISMA 2020 Explanation & Elaboration (preprint)](https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/gwdhk/). The translation process was designed as open, affiliation-free, and crowdfunded. But the crowdfunding campaign was officially discontinued on November 20th, 2021, due to low response rate; see [my archived open letter to editors of medical journals](https://zhelnov-to-editors.github.io/en/) about the campaign. The E&E translation depended on its success, so it was discontinued along with the campaign.