This page contains supplementary information related to the paper "Building a functional connectome of the Drosophila central complex" (link), and the associated [website][1].
- The [github repository][2] contains ([Julia][3]) code and instructions to reproduce all the analysis used to generate the paper figures and the tables underlying the website. You can also run the code directly using Binder here : (the server might take a long time -- and possibly time-out, on the first launch but should be fast after that)
- The figshare folder contains all the raw data used in the study.
- If you only want to reproduce part of the analysis (or do not want to download the several terabytes of raw data), the results folder contains intermediate results table (see the readme of the [github repository][2] for more details).
If you're interested in the code underlying the website per se, it's available [here][4].