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  1. Kendra Kandana Arachchige
  2. Laurent Lefebvre
  3. Mandy Rossignol

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Description: The Brief Irritability Test (BITe, Holtzman et al., 2015) is a brief, reliable, and valid self-report measure of irritability. Despite the growing interest to understand the underlying causes and consequences of irritability, this questionnaire has not been developed and validated for a French-speaking population yet. In the present study, 413 participants completed our French adaptation of the BITe and measures of associated constructs (depression, anger, hostility, and aggression) and well-being (life satisfaction and social support). Descriptive, psychometric (i.e., Cronbach alpha and Spearman correlation coefficients), and factor analyses were conducted. An exploratory factor analysis in sample 1 (n = 209), yielded one single factor. The confirmatory factor analysis in sample 2 (n = 204) showed a reasonable fit of this single factor model explaining 55.5% of the variance and presenting a strong internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = .80). Compared to the original English questionnaire, the French BITe shares similar unidimensional factor organization and correlations with other constructs, although a gender bias was identified. Irritability was higher among respondents in the age range 17-25, compared to older adults. A hierarchical regression analysis showed a significant prediction of the BITe scores on depressive symptoms when demographics were controlled for. In summary, the French BITe presents good psychometric properties and could constitute a valuable tool to evaluate irritability in clinical and research contexts.


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