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Expectations ------------ Since in the original study by Sripada et al. a drug was administered to one half of the participants, I find it very hard to use their reported effect sizes as a reliable estimate for this replication project. My perspective was that the RRR simply employs some of their methods without trying to replicate their specific study. The meta-analytical effect size reported by Hagger et al. (2010) seems like a reasonable estimate, although Carter and McCullough (2014) raised some good points as well. Therefore, I expect the effect size to be somewhat lower than the one reported by Hagger et al. Generally speaking, I am pretty much agnostic as to whether the mechanisms named “ego depletion” exists or not. However, I the RRR will yield findings on which types of task can cause deterioration of performance in other types of tasks -- which is of great interest to me as someone studying human learning.
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