**Figure 2. _BCL2_ expression in I-BET151 treated MV4;11 and K-562 cells.** MV4;11 and K-562 cells were treated with 500 nM I-BET151, or an equivalent volume of DMSO. Total RNA was isolated 6 hr after treatment and qRT-PCR was used to detect _BCL2_ and _B2M_ expression. Fold change in _BCL2_ expression normalized to _B2M_ and relative to DMSO is presented for I-BET151 treated MV4;11 and K-562 cells. Expression level of _BCL2_ in DMSO was assigned a value of 1. Two-sample _t_-test comparing fold gene expression values from MV4;11 cells to K-562 cells; _t_(4) = 17.23, uncorrected _p_ = 6.66x10<sup>-5</sup>, _a priori_ Bonferroni adjusted significance threshold = .0167; (Bonferroni corrected _p_ = 0.0004). One-sample _t_-test comparing fold gene expression from K-562 cells to a constant of 1 (DMSO treated cells); _t_(2) = 3.53, uncorrected _p_ = 0.0719, _a priori_ Bonferroni adjusted significance threshold = .0167; (Bonferroni corrected _p_ = 0.216). One-sample _t_-test comparing fold gene expression from MV4;11 cells to a constant of 1 (DMSO treated cells); _t_(2) = 17.86, uncorrected _p_ = 0.003, _a priori_ Bonferroni adjusted significance threshold = .0167; (Bonferroni corrected _p_ = 0.009).
Access the [analysis script][1] for the statistical tests related to this figure. The script will call the [data][2] directly from the OSF.
[1]: https://osf.io/h4x5a/
[2]: https://osf.io/qrkn3/