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The file "" contains all the data and computer code to reproduce the analysis and results reported in the article "Visibility Is Not Equivalent to Confidence in a Low Contrast Orientation Discrimination Task" by Manuel Rausch and Michael Zehetleitner. Please cite the article as follows: Rausch, M., & Zehetleitner, M. (2016). Visibility is not equivalent to confidence in a low contrast orientation discrimination task. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 591. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00591 The subfolder "Consciousness_Difficulty_SmallSize_Exp" contains the raw data. The file "analysis.r" contains the analysis script for the first draft of the manuscript, and "Analysis_Revision1.R" and "Analysis_Revision2.R" provide the analysis scripts after the first and second revision, respectively. The file "DataRevision.RData" contains all the results as reported in the final version of the paper. To reproduce the analysis, download and unpack all data on your local hard drive. The R script begins with setting the path; please insert the path to whereever you have stored the data. We conducted the analysis using R 3.1.1 and the libraries plyr 1.8.1, BayesFactor 0.9.9.,lme4 1.1-7, and MuMin 1.10.5. All material is licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 license. For a human-readable summary of what you are allowed to do with that piece of work, see
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