Data Analysis: Contents
**Experiment 1:** The analyses were conducted using JASP (JASP Team, 2018) and comprise (1) the 2-factor (2x2) ANOVA on the absolute positional recall gradient data, and (2) the 2-factor (2x2) ANOVA on the Levenshtein gradient data. Additionally uploaded are the scores used for the serial position functions and the original data of recall as a function of experimental epoch (prior to conversion to gradients - this was done for both the absolute positional recall and Levenshtein gradient data.
**Experiment 2:** The analyses were conducted using JASP (JASP Team, 2018) and comprise 3-factor (2x3x2) ANOVA on the absolute positional recall gradient data. Additionally uploaded are the scores used for the serial position functions and the original data of recall as a function of experimental epoch (prior to conversion to gradients - this was done for the absolute positional recall.