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Description: The Anti-Establishment Rhetorical Strategies Dataset (AERSD) assesses 142 social media campaigns by anti-establishment parties from the radical right, left and ‘centre’, as well as their conventional competitors during 23 elections in 8 countries across Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain) between 2010 and 2019. The dataset includes continuous measures which capture the proportion of two anti-establishment normalization strategies: streamlining and mainstreaming. Please be aware that the measures of anti-establishment normalization strategies in this dataset capture *persuasive self-presentation* messages, or what the parties *themselves claimed* during their social media electoral campaigns. While streamlining cues spotlight broader credibility of party appeals as plausible, serious and respectable political contenders, mainstreaming rhetoric emphasizes broader legitimacy, or acceptability of party appeals as compatible with overarching principles guiding mainstream politics. Further variables include salience measures of anti-establishment rhetoric, particular rhetorical anti-establishment formulas of fundamental change, thick and thin ideological variants of identified strategies, as well as the salience of thick issues in social media campaigns of analysed actors. The data on normalisation strategies was generated by means of rule-guided computer-assisted qualitative content analysis. Additional measures capturing substantive positions on cultural and economic dimensions were assessed based on external expert surveys. Party claims were hand-coded by a team of human coders on the basis of a pre-defined codebook. The coding unit was a quasi-sentence. The coder agreement for all coding categories of the broader project was 90.04% (minimal code intersection rate of 95% at the segment level), with Cohen’s Kappa (Brennan and Prediger 1981) Kn= 0.90. Party categorizations are based on classical definitions and insights of empirical literature. For details on the operationalisation see the methodological report and codebook, as well as the associated publication (Pytlas, forthc.). The study was directed by Dr. Bartek Pytlas. I thank the coding assistants for their work throughout the whole coding phase of the broader research project. I gratefully acknowledge funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG), grant number 391643469. (03-03-2022) Please cite as: Pytlas, B. (2022) ‘Fix the System!’ Variations of Anti-Establishment Normalization Strategies in Comparative Perspective. In: Politics. Pytlas, B. (2022). Anti-Establishment Rhetorical Strategies Dataset (AERSD). Retrieved from

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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