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1/ LIVING WELL WITHIN LIMITS. Julia Steinberger is Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Lausanne // ead Author for the IPCC's 6th Assessment Report with Working Group 3 When she finished the LiLi proejct she twitted: We've learned so much, in fact, that I want to reorient my research direction: it's still going to be about Living Well Within Limits, but much more applied. I'm calling it "Democratizing Provisioning Systems." Basically, we need to move to democratic economic control ... of the provisioning systems (health, food, housing, mobility, energy, etc etc) that we rely upon for living well. That will be one the main ways we can decarbonise them, make them available/affordable to all, and protect each other in the face of inequality & climate impacts. This made a click for me: working on commons and planning, the articulations of the climate emergency seemed insufficient and/or insatisfactory. This maked total sense. This realisation had four main implications: - Democratic decission-making = Commons: Biophysical inpputs – resources > scarcity – what // planetary processes > material resources Social outcomes – community > who is us – who the waya particular society and a particular part of that society defines what constitutes a good life. // need satisfares + well-being Provisioning of services: gobernance > how we take decission – how // physical (infrastructures, land use, etc.) + social (state, norms, instituions - Meso level – spaces of mediation multi-layer – thicknes of reality Barcelona: bottom-up / top down – dacalage stenegrs – diplomacy / ecology of the practices - Climate Emergency as the material conditions of a our future life - It is possible to live well – utopia as eutopia Marina Garcés – postumous what we do hre and now can have an impact – though situation but we can be good – it doesn’t have to end up like a zombie movie. Prítina - it does matter what kinds of world the world worlds Haraway – kinships open oportuities ofr new things too happen – outside the dystonia script of narratives such as the Parable of the ////// - Octavia Butler. Not a blueprint but a frame an scenario, like the ////////// in Comedis del Arte Nor a product but a process. - It is not a moral or a ethical proposition Participation, bottom-up, co-production It is based on a need - Our planning tools are not prepared for such task. Why articipation is not effective – Cnstant with the Mute magazine – not try to copy Indesign. 2/ CULTURE Madrid – summary of the situation (3 min). 2015 – 100s of candidancies – in the wavee of the squares and the M15 – taking life in our hands – Real Democracy Now! We won major cities. PLatform of old left partie,s new parties and civil society – in with different configuartion Barceloan _ Ada Colau and the PAH. Weak Podemos Madrid – Podmos was strong, and social actors were coming from open culture: a bookshop and publishing house – Traficantes – and squeatted social centre 3.0 >> culture. It couldn’t end up well. But we managed to stavlish and experiment – for a short time – a framewokr: - To account for the different kinds of resources the local government coudl provide. - To open different “Labortories” as space for discussion arpund those topics - To look at Culture – as may other things – as processes and not products. But not any process - the process that opne political imagination, that sits at the fringes. - that meant to look beyond the “cultural industry” – which was part of the cultural wars – and to expand – the territory – Veranos de la Villa / the audiences – taxonmoy of the events / the type of public productions – open competitions for the direction of the cultural centres - Mateo at the Matadero; and the decission – making: co-design of a library.
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