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Click to expand to see example videos below file descriptions. ## Description of files included here 1. **** -- Video replays of all trials for all participants. 2. **** -- All R and python analysis scripts used for computing ideal observer, creating videos, plots and analyses (warning, many large and undercommented files contained here) 3. **** -- Contains *instructions_for_coding.xlsx* -- with a verbal description and schematic example of each action type. Then contains folders with videos for all active trials and corresponding csv files with onset and offset of all control actions and a ruby script for reading these files into Datavyu (video coding software). Coders used datavyu to fill all of of the action classification slots and then exported the filled spreadsheets. 4. **** -- The exported spreadsheets for both human action coders. 5. **all_regressions.R** -- A single R script containing all Bayesian and maximum likelihood regressions reported in the paper. Note this file requires *exp1_data(small).radata*. 6. **exp1_data(small).rdata** -- An Rdata file containing the processed results for performance and entropy analyses (dataframe "sw" contains subjectwise data, "tw" contains trialwise data) 7. **exp1_data.rdata** -- As with exp_data(small) but also including "clips" list object containing all frame by frame trial information (i.e. object positions and control over time) and an "events" list object containing records of all collision events with time stamps and participant information. 8. **exp1_data_raw.csv** -- The data in raw format downloaded from our SQL database. 9. **exp1_extras.rdata** -- Variants of the primary data frames in *exp1_data.rdata* with extra columns corresponding to the descriptives in Supplemental Table 10. 10. **** -- The javascript source code of the experiment. 11. **supplement.pdf** -- Supplementary supporting information document containing additional analyses, tables and details about merging free response codes. 12. **io(part1).zip & io(part2).zip** -- All forward simulations for all trials under all possible property combinations. Used in computing entropies and predictive divergences. Warning, very very large. 12. **example_videos/** -- As shown below. ## Example videos **Note:** "+" symbol indicates participant's touch control and thick black border on object indicates participant is currently controlling that object. Underneath the scene, each video includes a dynamic vizualisation of Predictive Divergence over time with respect to Force, Mass and all unknown properties (Baseline). Gray shading indicates periods of control. Also at bottom are details about the condition, participant's guess and if they were correct. #### Active child force block @[osf](q3tdx) #### Active child mass block @[osf](4ea2d) #### Active adult force block @[osf](tshwp) #### Active adult mass block @[osf](9cbqp) #### Passive trial @[osf](nfjg7)
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