**Original citation:** P Fischer, S Schulz-Hardt, D Frey (2008). Selective exposure and information quantity: how different information quantities moderate decision makers' preference for consistent and inconsistent information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94.2: 231-244.
**Target of replication:** "In four studies they demonstrate that decision-makers prefer inconsistent information when choosing between two pieces of information (one consistent, one inconsistent), but prefer consistent information when choosing between more pieces of information (two consistent, two inconsistent or ten consistent, ten inconsistent)...The overall analysis is a 2 (information quantity: two pieces, ten pieces) X 3 (focus type: quantity, direction, control) X 2 (information choice: confirming, disconfirming) factorial log-linear analysis. The overall analysis is followed by 2 (number of options: two, ten) X 2 (information choice: confirming, disconfirming) Chi-Square tests for each of the three focus conditions (control, quality, direction)." ([Ratliff, 2015][1])
Findings and the summative report can be found [here][1].
[1]: https://osf.io/5afur/