This section is intended as glossary *for this set of resources* and will list jargon terms used within the other resources from within historical, philosophical, and social studies of the scientific practices.
The focus here will be on providing brief context to help clarify the specific, and often debated, uses of many of the terms used within the other resources being developed. We won't attempt to define these terms or comprehensively summarise their associated debates (the [Standord Encyclopedia of Philosophy]( provides that type of resource already, and links to relevant entries will be included where possible).
Some example terms are listed below.
- [contingent knowledge](
- [epistemic goal](
- [generalisable finding](
- [objective knowledge](
- [robust finding](
These provide many of the links in introductions to the [reading sets](, and could be used in reverse as well.
Suggestion for additional terms or phrases that could be useful to include here very welcome!