**Teaching preregistration**
*Goal: students should understand what a preregistration is and why it is important*
- Curate existing materials (materials can be found in the subfolder)
- Slides (see B. Chopik)
- See subfolder on curating materials
- Accessible readings
- Consider how this can scale up from freshman to more advanced students
- Core Papers (around 3-4)
- Additional Papers
- Syllabus examples
- Lesson on preregistration
- Open Science Context
- include replication
- What are the pre-requisites for this lecture? What do we assume students know?
- Activity
- Ideas:
- Write a preregistration
- Give students a preregistered paper, have them write the preregistration and then compare
**Activity: Read an existing preregistration**
- Intructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y_no2Xq191zbJq-oMweCUplf5DQ32E1G6jKxahmdNy4/edit?usp=sharing
- Use [article pdf][1] and [preregistration pdf][2] files.
Preregistration Assignment #2
[1]: https://osf.io/awfyt/
[2]: https://osf.io/hq7cp/