![C19PRC Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tkhartman/academic-kickstart/master/static/img/c19prc_logo.png =50%x)
[The COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study][1] aims to assess and monitor the psychological, social, political, and economic impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the general population, using longitudinal surveys and mixed-methods studies in multiple countries (United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Spain, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates). The first strand of the study, an Internet-based panel survey, was launched in the UK in March 2020 during the earliest stages of the pandemic in that country. Subsequent waves of the survey have been fielded in the UK, as well as other countries.
[1]: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/psychology-consortium-covid19