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Trajectories of center-of-gravity for healthy individuals walking 10 min + analysis of stride interval variability. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: The files are structured in this way: (1) Wiki images contains a picture abstract of this article; (2) Data\_SI contains the time series of Stride Interval (SI; in seconds) for each participant (first two characters) in each condition (CTRL and METRO) in plain text; (3) Data\_VICON contains, in xlsx format, the 3D position (X, Y, Z; in millimeters) of each marker of interest (LASI, RASI, LPSI, RPSI), their mean (x, y, z; in meters), their speed following a simple finite difference scheme and the instantaneous kinetic energy in the vertical direction; (4) I\_time.xlsx contains the adiabatic invariants for each participant (1 participant per column) for each cycle (1 cycle per line).
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