## Irish ##
The Irish corpus is a subset of the recordings featured in [A Sound Atlas of Irish English][1] by Ray Hickey. The subset shared with SPADE consists of the reading passage. The reading text can be found in the 'Files' section for this dataset.
The recordings were aligned by SPADE using MAUS.
**Number of Speakers:** 185, 73F \
**Hours of Speech:** about 4 (1 to 2 minutes per speaker) \
**Years Recorded:** Mid 1990s - 2002 \
**Data Guardian:** Ray Hickey \
**Speaker Dimensions:** speaker, gender, approximate age, province, county, county code, location, location size code, location population description
### Corpus Reference ###
Hickey, R. (2004). A Sound Atlas of Irish English. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
[1]: https://www.uni-due.de/VCDE/VCDE_Sound_Atlas.htm