Contextual kinship cues will be assessed in interview form with both participants present. Participants will be allowed to confer during the interview. Each participant will be asked the following questions:
**1. ALL PARTICIPANTS Were you living in the same home as your co-participant right after they were born?**
**2. ALL PARTICIPANTS We would like to know how many years you have lived in the same household as your co-participant: between what ages have you shared houses? If you shared multiple periods of time in the same household, please let us know how old you were during each bout.**
Your age when you started living together:______
Your age when you or your co-participant left household:______
**3. SIBLING-SPECIFIC Was your biological mother living in the same home as your sibling right after they were born?**
**4. SIBLING-SPECIFIC Was your biological father living in the same home as your sibling right after they were born?**