Raw cell line screen data, alongside a detailed protocol, cell line-specific culture information and GI50 curve fits are provided in "raw_screen_data".
To reproduce the integrated analyses of cell line-specific GI50adj values with publicly available multi-omic datasets from depmap, download "2022-06_AZ_cell_line_profiling_INY_GDC0068_publication.zip". Upon unzipping, start the associated .RProject file and run the associated RNotebook (.Rmd).
Note that R/package updates may result in slight variations in the final output, however the results should be largely identical with those presented in the associated manuscript. If the code fails to run due to specific changes to R/associated packages, most results should still be possible to reproduce simply by loading the .RData file provided with each analysis.
For issues/questions, please contact Dr Ralitsa Madsen (r.madsen@ucl.ac.uk).