#### **PRESENTATIONS** ####
CUNY2020 conference presentation: https://osf.io/4n8qc/
#### **DATA** ####
Before downloading the data please read README.rtf
*All experimental data listed below will be publicly available for download from Files after the publication.*
- Data for Experiment 1
- Data for Experiment 2
- Data for Experiment 3
- Data for Experiment 4
- RNotebook Code used to analyze Experiment 1
- RNotebook Code used to analyze Experiment 2
- RNotebook Code used to analyze Experiment 3
- RNotebook Code used to analyze Experiment 4
- RNotebook Code used to analyze combined data from Experiment 1-2
- RNotebook Code used to conduct a Bayesian analysis on the combined data from Experiments 1-2
- RNotebook Code used to conduct a supplemental analysis for Experiment 4
#### **MATERIALS** ####
*Written materials used in the experiments were shared by the corresponding author of Corley, MacGregor, and Donaldson (2007). Please contact the corrsponding author of Corley, MacGregor, and Donaldson (2007) to get an access to the written stimuli.*
*You can download sample audio recordings used in Experiments 1-4 from Files.*