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These .csv files contain time-series of hourly climate data corresponding to historical time-period (1986-2016), and future time-periods coinciding with 2 ºC and 3.5 ºC increases in global temperatures. There are 15 sets of projections (runs) of historical and projected future climates that are meant to capture the internal climate variability of the climate system. The files are named as follows: Weatherfile_*scenario*_*run number*_*city name*. So the file *Weatherfile_GW2.0_r1_calgary* corresponds to weatherfile for run1 of the city of calgary for a future time-period when a global warming of 2ºC is expected to be reached. Following climatic variables are included in the files: 1. *YEAR* - Year associated with the record 2. *MONTH* - Month associated with the record 3. *DAY* - Day of the month associated with the record 4. *HOUR* - Hour associated with the record 5. *YDAY* - Day of the year associated with the record 6. *DRI_kJPerM2* - Direct horizontal irradiance in kJ/m2 (total from previous HOUR to the *HOUR* indicated) 7. *DHI_kJperM2* - Diffused horizontal irradiance in kJ/m2 (total from previous HOUR to the *HOUR* indicated) 8. *DNI_kJperM2* - Direct normal irradiance in kJ/m2 (total from previous HOUR to the *HOUR* indicated) 9. *GHI_kJperM2* - Global horizontal irradiance in kJ/m2 (total from previous HOUR to the *HOUR* indicated) 10. *TCC_Percent* - Instantaneous total cloud cover at the *HOUR* in % (range: 0-100) 11. *RAIN_Mm* - Total rainfall in mm (total from previous *HOUR* to the *HOUR* indicated) 12. *WDIR_ClockwiseDegFromNorth* - instantaneous wind direction at the *HOUR* in degrees (measured clockwise from the North) 13. *WSP_MPerSec* - instantaneous wind speed at the *HOUR* in meters/sec 14. *RHUM_Percent* - instantaneous relative humidity at the *HOUR* in % 15. *TEMP_DegC* - instantaneous temperature at the *HOUR* in ºC 16. *ATMPR_Pa* - instantaneous atmospheric pressure at the *HOUR* in Pa 17. *SnowC_Yes1No0* - instantaneous snow-cover code at the *HOUR* (1 - snow; 0 - no snow)
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