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Cloud AI ecosystems of Amazon, Microsoft, and Google
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Category: Analysis
Description: This dataset provides information about the entire cloud offerings of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that comprise the ‘cloud AI ecosystem’, collected between January–June 2023. This information includes: (a) the entire cloud products and service offerings (N = 852) collected from AWS (, Azure (, and GCP (; (b) additional information about each product and service, including descriptions, service categories and subcategories, and links; (c) comparisons of Google Cloud services mapped to similar offerings in AWS and Microsoft Azure; (d) citation networks of all cloud products and services across AWS, Azure, and GCP product documentation pages (N = 4,124 citations); (e) citation networks of all cloud products and services across industry-specific documentation pages (N = 318 citations); (f) mentions of AI and machine-learning terminology across both corpora (N = 1,811); and (g) counts of AWS, Azure, and GCP marketplace solutions per marketplace category and subcategory (N = 13,793 apps in total). All products and services were collected in January 2023, analyses were conducted on 15–19 May 2023. Marketplace solutions were collected on 30 June 2023. The dataset is deposited for the (open access) journal article: van der Vlist, F. N., Helmond, A., & Ferrari, F. L. (2024) Big AI: Cloud infrastructure dependence and the industrialisation of artificial intelligence. Big Data & Society, 1(1): 1–16. SAGE Publications.