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Example data for the paper titled 'Differential influences of environment and self-motion on place and grid cell firing patterns' Scripts will be available upon request. Please send your request to Guifen Chen ( %%%%%%%%%%% data structure (containing two structures, one for gain increase and the other for gain decrease): eegData: a structure containing headers and data for each standard-rate eeg channel trialData: a structure giving the trial start and end time in seconds posData: a structure containing the pos file header and the raw LED data as well as the post-processed data which includes position, direction, speed, and acceleration. spikeData: an array of structures, one for each tetrode %%%%%%%%%%% To get time stamps for a specific cell, for example: cellno = 1; tetrodeno = 2; sp = trial.spikeData(tetrodeno); spikeTimes = sp.timestamp(sp.cut==cellno,1);
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