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Welcome to the CRLP work stream on a **drafting tool** for **legislative drafters** to **create & mark up logical structures**, like a programmer's **"Integrated Development Environment"**. ![Screenshot of interactive mock-up of tool][1] Here is our **[interactive mock-up][2]** of what some functions of a tool could look like - please [try it out][3]. It is a work in progress and we have PowerPoints to show what could be added to cover - - undefined-but-repeated terms (which will have the same meaning each time), including undefined terms repeated from the legislation under which the current draft is made; - expanding on the "must" and "must not" markup, to give similar highlighting, popups and links, linking to the provision that has the consequence of breaching a must/not provision (in Commonwealth drafting there should always be a consequence, but it might be implied, as is common for duties on bodies that are subject to judicial review) Here is what EU are doing @[youtube]( James Grimmelmann first caught our eye, saying how word processors make him weep ![Grimmelmann tweet on a legal IDE][4] Details of our plans are set out in these slides extract and plan @[osf](f7td3) @[osf](6zhva) Here are some background links - - "[Design Principles for Integrated Legislation Drafting Environment][5]" Schwartz & others (2023) - "Programming Languages and Law: A Research Agenda" Grimmelmann (2022) - see paras [3.7 "An IDE for Lawyers" and 3.8 "Jupyter Notebooks for Law"][6] - "[Legal Drafting in the Era of AI & Digitisation][7]" Palmirani & others (2022) - see mock-ups of a tool in EU's LEOS at p71-75 - [Oracle Intelligent Advisor][8] - an existing commercial IDE-like tool for drafting *business* rules - [Online Python IDE][9] - that we are using in our Coding Club (to make a docassemble app for CLS, like the [app made by two of our team][10] for fee increase instructions) [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]:
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