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This paper examines the multifunctional particle *-daa *from the understudied Siberian Turkic language Tuvan. The data comes largely from targeted elicitations with a native speaker. The distribution of *-daa *seems to overlap entirely with Japanese *-mo*, a well-studied particle whose diverse meanings across narrow contexts has been the focus of much semantic analysis. These kinds of multifunctional particles are an important object of study; if we assume that each role is the compositional result of a unified semantic denotation, they reveal intricate patterns of logic and linguistic structure. More narrowly, this paper will discuss *-daa*'s surprising behavior in embedded clauses, where *-daa* displays intriguing ambiguities not observed in matrix clauses. It is argued that *-daa *is an alternative-activating 'pre-exhaustification' operator, with its myriad readings being the result of the type of alternatives it activates.
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