This repository provides data and a script to reproduce the analyses/tables/figures reported in:
Drouin, J. R., & Theodore, R. M. (2018). Lexically guided perceptual learning is robust to task-based changes in listening strategy. *Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(2)*, 1089-1099.
The script (cPLS-OSF.R) calls four data files:
- exp1TestRaw.csv
- exp1TrainingRaw.csv
- exp2TestRaw.csv
- exp2TrainingRaw.csv
It will create four additional files:
- Figure1.pdf
- Figure2.pdf
- exp1TrainingSummary.Type.csv
- exp1TrainingSummary.Type.csv
The “…Summary.Type.csv” files (created by the script) were used to create Table 1 (accuracy data) and Table 2 (RT data) in the manuscript.
The script is heavily annotated and includes a description of each vector of the raw data files; don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions (