**Original citation**. N Janssen, W Schirm, BZ Mahon, A Caramazza (2008).“Semantic Interference in a Delayed Naming Task: Evidence for the Response Exclusion Hypothesis.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 34(1), 249-256.
**Target of replication**. The goal of the replication effort was to see if there are semantic interference effects in delayed naming such that individuals are slower to respond to semantically related word-picture pairs than semantically unrelated word-picture pairs.
**A priori replication criteria**. A successful replication would find a statistically significantly slower average reaction time for the semantically related word-picture pairs than semantically unrelated word-picture pairs.
**Materials, Data, and Report** Study materials can be found in the materials component of this project. Raw data and formatted data for analyses can be found in dataset node. The full report appear in the final report node.
**Conclusions**. The confirmatory analysis failed to replicate the original experiment. Specifically, Janssen et al. (2008) found that under delayed naming, the semantically related condition yielded slower RTs than the semantically unrelated condition. No such effect was observed in this replication.
**Acknowledgment**. The replication author would like to acknowledge the help of Dr. Robert Ryan (rryan@kutztown.edu) for his help with computing the 95% confidence intervals of the effect size estimates for this replication
**Note:** There were two experiments in this paper, the second was a replication of the first but in French. This replication was conducted in English and is therefore a replication of the first experiment.