### **Rapid processing of neutral and angry expressions within ongoing facial stimulus streams: Is it all about isolated facial features?**
Materials, data, and analysis scripts of the experiment presented in the following paper:
>Schettino, A., Porcu, E., Gundlach, C., Keitel, C., & Müller, M. M. (2020). Rapid processing of neutral and angry expressions within ongoing facial stimulus streams: Is it all about isolated facial features? PLOS ONE, 15(4), e0231982. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0231982
This master component contains the following sub-components:
* **pilot 1**, **pilot 2**, **experiment 1**, **experiment 2**: raw and preprocessed behavioral and EEG data, Matlab scripts for stimulus presentation in the main task (flickering stimulation) and post-experiment ratings (separately for each experiment);
* **analysis**: Matlab toolboxes and custom functions for the pre-processing of EEG data (on GitHub), R scripts for the statistical analyses (on GitLab);
* **manuscript**: preprint version of the manuscript and supplementary materials, including figures and tables.