This repository contains data of Exp. 2 and supplementary material presented in the paper **Saccadic omission revisited: What saccade-induced smear looks like** by Richard Schweitzer, Mara Doering, Thomas Seel, Jörg Raisch, and Martin Rolfs (doi: Analyses can be found at:
In a famous, yet never replicated experiment, Campbell & Wurtz (1978) briefly illuminated a laboratory room during saccades, allowing the observers to perceive the smeared visual scene, that should normally be induced on the retina due to the eyes' high angular velocities during saccades.
In a first experiment (see [][1]) we studied the perception of smeared natural images strictly during the saccade.
In this second experiment, we will extend presentation durations beyond the offset of the saccade to investigate the time course of post-saccadic masking, as previously described by Campbell & Wurtz (1978).
Campbell, F. W., & Wurtz, R. H. (1978). Saccadic omission: why we do not see a grey-out during a saccadic eye movement. *Vision research, 18*(10), 1297-1303.