You can find files used for the current version of Sexuality IAT on PI Korea site.
For the IAT task,
- Good (좋음) words are: "행복", "훌륭함", "사랑", "즐거움", "평화", "기쁨", "영광";
- Bad (나쁨) words are: "상처", "고뇌", "사악함", "추잡함", "무서움", "끔찍함", "실패", "지독함";
- Gay men (동성애자) stimuli are: image "05_GAY.jpg" and "14_gay.jpg", word "동성애" and "동성애자";
- Lesbian (동성애자) stimuli are: image "15_lesbian.jpg" and "07_lesbian.jpg" word "동성애" and "동성애자"
- Straight (이성애자) stimuli are: word "Hétérosexuel" and "Hétérosexuell", and image "06_hetero.jpg" and "13_hetero.jpg".
The experiment procedure has been changed over years. You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.