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Category: Communication

Description: Presentations and workshops led by #DLFteach at the DLF Forum and affiliated events, or presentations about #DLFteach given at other conferences

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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2019 #DLFteach Working Lunch

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The Pedagogy of Digital Publishing

Workshop held at Learn@DLF during the 2019 Digital Library Federation Forum in Tampa, Florida.

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2018 #DLFteach Working Lunch

Working lunch hosted by the Digital Library Pedagogy Working Group at the 2018 Digital Library Federation Forum in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Constructing Digital Praxis: Pedagogy for Digital Collections

In this workshop, participants will practice digital library pedagogy by collaboratively creating assignments for finding, evaluating, and reusing dig...

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Digital Library Pedagogy Incubator: A Workshop to Design Instruction with Digital Collections

This workshop will engage participants in overarching themes of digital library pedagogy as we work together to create lesson plans targeting key digi...

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Cultivating a Digital Library Pedagogy Community of Practice

Poster presented at the 2019 Boston-Area Digital Scholarship Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts

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