This project contains the data and code for the following article:
Dumbalska, Li, Tsetsos & Summerfield "A map of decoy influence in human multialterative choice". (In Press - PNAS)
**Data files:**
* decoy_233_participants.mat — human data
* sim_3_adaptive_gain_models.mat — simulated data with three versions of the adaptive gain model
* sim_competitor_models.mat — simulated data with competitor models (parameters were fit to human data in crossvalidation)
* sim_grandmother_model.mat — simulated data with grandmother model
* decoy_make_figures.m — generates figures from article (main text)
* decoy_supplementary_info.m — generates figures from supplementary info (appendix)
* decoy_adaptive_gain_model.m — contains code for adaptive gain model
* decoy_competitor_models.m — contains code for all competitor models
* decoy_grandmother_model.m — contains code for grandmother model
* miscellaneous helper functions