# Access data
[Complete this Google Form to access deidentified open data][4].
We are trying to balance quality open science principles with efficiency for you, as a user. As a result, please complete this form and you will be able to access the data immediately. The form requests but does not require preregistration of your analyses.
[**Dashboard** of survey descriptives are available here.][1]
[This document contains the latest version of the **SCRUB survey items** including a rationale for the project][2]
[The **data dictionary** for the survey, including all versions, items, and response labels is available here.][3]
[1]: https://noetel.shinyapps.io/covid/
[2]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dSD6y5U5eUctNNE-SFJOyNeGkPzOCYbgM07r8aRAU44/edit#heading=h.qzvmntkis2uxm/document/d/1dSD6y5U5eUctNNE-SFJOyNeGkPzOCYbgM07r8aRAU44/edit#heading=h.qzvmntkis2ux
[3]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ecjSi3d3bOnaAsudMnP80-MkI4GSrRoT6_I6r3xUM3Q/edit#gid=0
[4]: https://forms.gle/R7RWUnz39oJahfLZ7