**What is the DARCLE Ethics Repository?**
We are a group of researchers and practitioners who have been using longform (including daylong) recordings for some years. This repository compiles some of our know-how and tips, particularly with the aim of helping newcomers navigate the complexities of ethics surrounding this novel technique.
**What resources can you find in this repository?**
There are two main sections:
- [Sample consent forms][1]
- [FAQ for participants][2]
**Do you have any recommended further reading?**
See the following manuscript where we discuss many of the legal and ethical concerns surrounding longform audio recordings:
Cychosz, M., Romeo, R. R., Soderstrom, M., Scaff, C., Ganek, H., Cristia, A., Casillas, M., de Barbaro, K., Bang, J., & Weisleder, A. (*to appear*). [Longform recordings of everyday life: Ethics for best practices.][3] *Behavior Research Methods*.
We also recommend:
Casillas, M, & Cristia, A. (2019). [A step-by-step guide to collecting and analyzing long-format speech environment (LFSE) recordings.][4] *Collabra: Psychology*, *5*(1), 1-21.
**For more information on the processing, storage, and management of real-world longform audio recordings see:**
The DARCLE group's webpage: http://darcle.org/
The HomeBank webpage: http://homebank.talkbank.org/
The HomeBank vetting manual: https://homebank.talkbank.org/pubs/vetting.pdf
The DARCLE annotation scheme for daylong audio recordings: https://osf.io/4532e/
TalkBank tips for IRB http://talkbank.org/share/irb/
[1]: https://osf.io/d4tcu/ "Consent form samples"
[2]: https://osf.io/z479m/wiki/home/ "Participant FAQ"
[3]: https://psyarxiv.com/ah37c/
[4]: https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3052807_5/component/file_3066575/content