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This project contains the stimuli, data, and analysis code associated with the following proceedings paper: Cheung, C., Politzer-Ahles, S., Hwang, H., Chui, R., Leung, M., & Tang, T. (2017). Comprehension of presuppositions in school-age Cantonese-speaking children with and without autism spectrum disorders. *Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 31*, 557-552. The columns in the data file are as follows: - **Subject**: the subject identifier - **Age_Month**: the subject's age in months - **Stimuli**: the item identifier - **Types**: the presupposition type - **Correct**: whether a correct response was given on this trial - **Repeated**: ? - **Group**: whether this participant is a child with ASD or a typically developing child - **VMA**: language ability, listed as verbal mental age in months, as scored from the HKCOLAS assessment (see article text) - **Raven**: non-verbal intelligence, Raven standardized score - **Sex**: sex of the participant The .html file contains the R code that was used for the analysis.
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