### Design-features of bubble-prone experimental asset markets with a constant FV
Christoph Huber, Parampreet Christopher Bindra, Daniel Kleinlercher
#### Data Analysis:
These files should provide researchers with the possibility to replicate each result, table, and figure in the related manuscript and appendix.
The analyses were conducted with Stata 15.
`analysis.do` includes all analyses reported in the main paper and the appendix.
`prices.csv` and `prices.dta` include variables such as Price, Relative deviation, Bid-Ask spread, etc. on a PERIOD-level for each treatment and each market.
`subjects.csv` and `subjecs.dta` include SUBJECT-level variables such as their individual price forecasts (MPguess), asset and cash holdings, as well as demographic characteristics - also on a Period-level for each treatment and each market.
Raw data files are available upon request.