## TIMIT Corpus ##
[TIMIT][1] is a corpus of speakers of American English, each reading ten sentences chosen from a total of about 2,300 sentences. The corpus was manually aligned by the Data Guardian.
Note: Sibilant measures were not generated for this corpus.
**Number of Speakers:** 630, 192F \
**Hours of Speech:** 5.4 \
**Year Recorded:** released in 1990, therefore likely recorded in the late 80s \
**Data Guardian:** licensed by the Linguistic Data Consortium \
**Speaker Dimensions:** 8 major U.S. dialect regions, sex
### Corpus Reference ###
Garofolo, John S., et al. TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech
Corpus LDC93S1. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data
Consortium, 1993.
[1]: https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC93S1